Posted byEditorial Staff Shortcuts, Tech TipsNo Comments
In our earlier articles we have provided shortcuts for German and French letters with accents. Spanish language also has many accented letters. Here is the list of alt code shortcuts for Spanish letters with accents.
You can use these shortcuts in Windows, Mac and specifically on Word documents as mentioned in the last column of the below table.
Shortcut | Letter | Letter Name Or Description | Used On |
Alt + 0193 | Á | Capital Letter A With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0225 | á | Small Letter a With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0201 | É | Capital Letter E With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0233 | é | Small Letter e With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0205 | Í | Capital Letter I With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0237 | í | Small Letter i With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0209 | Ñ | Capital Letter N With Tilde | Windows |
Alt + 0241 | ñ | Small Letter n With Tilde | Windows |
Alt + 0211 | Ó | Capital Letter O With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0243 | ó | Small Letter o With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0202 | Ê | Capital Letter E With Circumflex | Windows |
Alt + 0234 | ê | Small Letter e With Circumflex | Windows |
Alt + 0218 | Ú | Capital Letter U With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0250 | ú | Small Letter u With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0220 | Ü | Capital Letter U With Umlaut | Windows |
Alt + 0252 | ü | Small Letter u With Umlaut | Windows |
Alt + 0221 | Ý | Capital Letter Y With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0253 | ý | Small Letter y With Acute | Windows |
Alt + 0161 | ¡ | Inverted Exclamation Mark | Windows |
Alt + 0191 | ¿ | Inverted Question Mark | Windows |
Alt + 0170 | ª | Feminine Ordinal Indicator | Windows |
Alt + 0186 | º | Masculine Ordinal Indicator | Windows |
00C1 + Alt + X | Á | Capital Letter A With Acute | Word |
00E1 + Alt + X | á | Small Letter a With Acute | Word |
00C9 + Alt + X | É | Capital Letter E With Acute | Word |
00E9 + Alt + X | é | Small Letter e With Acute | Word |
00CD + Alt + X | Í | Capital Letter I With Acute | Word |
00ED + Alt + X | í | Small Letter i With Acute | Word |
00D1 + Alt + X | Ñ | Capital Letter N With Tilde | Word |
00F1 + Alt + X | ñ | Small Letter n With Tilde | Word |
00D3 + Alt + X | Ó | Capital Letter O With Acute | Word |
00F3 + Alt + X | ó | Small Letter o With Acute | Word |
00CA + Alt + X | Ê | Capital Letter E With Circumflex | Word |
00EA + Alt + X | ê | Small Letter e With Circumflex | Word |
00DA + Alt + X | Ú | Capital Letter U With Acute | Word |
00FA + Alt + X | ú | Small Letter u With Acute | Word |
00DC + Alt + X | Ü | Capital Letter U With Umlaut | Word |
00FC + Alt + X | ü | Small Letter u With Umlaut | Word |
00DD + Alt + X | Ý | Capital Letter Y With Acute | Word |
00FD + Alt + X | ý | Small Letter y With Acute | Word |
00A1 + Alt + X | ¡ | Inverted Exclamation Mark | Word |
00BF + Alt + X | ¿ | Inverted Question Mark | Word |
00AA + Alt + X | ª | Feminine Ordinal Indicator | Word |
00BA + Alt + X | º | Masculine Ordinal Indicator | Word |
Option + 00C1 | Á | Capital Letter A With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00E1 | á | Small Letter a With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00C9 | É | Capital Letter E With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00E9 | é | Small Letter e With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00CD | Í | Capital Letter I With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00ED | í | Small Letter i With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00D1 | Ñ | Capital Letter N With Tilde | Mac |
Option + 00F1 | ñ | Small Letter n With Tilde | Mac |
Option + 00D3 | Ó | Capital Letter O With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00F3 | ó | Small Letter o With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00CA | Ê | Capital Letter E With Circumflex | Mac |
Option + 00EA | ê | Small Letter e With Circumflex | Mac |
Option + 00DA | Ú | Capital Letter U With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00FA | ú | Small Letter u With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00DC | Ü | Capital Letter U With Umlaut | Mac |
Option + 00FC | ü | Small Letter u With Umlaut | Mac |
Option + 00DD | Ý | Capital Letter Y With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00FD | ý | Small Letter y With Acute | Mac |
Option + 00A1 | ¡ | Inverted Exclamation Mark | Mac |
Option + 00BF | ¿ | Inverted Question Mark | Mac |
Option + 00AA | ª | Feminine Ordinal Indicator | Mac |
Option + 00BA | º | Masculine Ordinal Indicator | Mac |
Typing Spanish Letters in Windows Documents
If you have language pack installed on your PC then try to change the input method and use Spanish keyboard layout. If you don’t have Spanish language pack, follow the below instructions:
- Use the alt + code in the above table to typeaccented letters. However, you should use the numeric keypad on your keyboard.
- Unfortunately most of the Windows laptops willnot have a separate numeric pad. In that case, use code + alt + x method inMicrosoft Word documents.
- You can also use Character Map app or Symbol utility in Office apps to insert Spanish letters.
Typing Spanish Letters on Mac Documents
- On mac, change the input method to Unicode Hex Input and use option + code to type the accented letters.
- You can also long press the keys to type special characters in Mac or use other keyboard shortcuts as explained in this article.
- Other option is to open Character Viewer by pressing “Control + Command + Spacebar” and find special characters.
Typing Spanish Characters in HTML
On HTML documents, you have three options to insert theletters as per details in the below table:
- Use entity name
- Escape character with hexadecimal code
- Escape character with decimal code
Letter | Description | Entity Name | Escape Code Hex | Escape Code Decimal |
Á | Latin Capital Letter A With Acute | & Aacute; | & #x000C1; | & #193; |
á | Latin Small Letter a With Acute | & aacute; | & #x000E1; | & #225; |
É | Latin Capital Letter E With Acute | & Eacute; | & #x000C9; | & #201; |
é | Latin Small Letter e With Acute | & eacute; | & #x000E9; | & #233; |
Í | Latin Capital Letter I With Acute | & Iacute; | & #x000CD; | & #205; |
í | Latin Small Letter i With Acute | & iacute; | & #x000ED; | & #237; |
Ñ | Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde | & Ntilde; | & #x000D1; | & #209; |
ñ | Latin Small Letter n With Tilde | & ntilde; | & #x000F1; | & #241; |
Ó | Latin Capital Letter O With Acute | & Oacute; | & #x000D3; | & #211; |
ó | Latin Small Letter o With Acute | & oacute; | & #x000F3; | & #243; |
Ê | Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex | & Ecirc; | & #x000CA; | & #202; |
ê | Latin Small Letter e With Circumflex | & ecirc; | & #x000EA; | & #234; |
Ú | Latin Capital Letter U With Acute | & Uacute; | & #x000DA; | & #218; |
ú | Latin Small Letter u With Acute | & uacute; | & #x000FA; | & #250; |
Ü | Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis | & Uuml; | & #x000DC; | & #220; |
ü | Latin Small Letter u With Diaeresis | & uuml; | & #x000FC; | & #252; |
Ý | Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute | & Yacute; | & #x000DD; | & #221; |
ý | Latin Small Letter y With Acute | & yacute; | & #x000FD; | & #253; |
¡ | Inverted Exclamation Mark | & iexcl; | & #x000A1; | & #161; |
¿ | Inverted Question Mark | & iquest; | & #x000BF; | & #191; |
ª | Feminine Ordinal Indicator | & ordf; | & #x000AA; | & #170; |
º | Masculine Ordinal Indicator | & ordm; | & #x000BA; | & #186; |
In all the three methods, use the codes without any spacesalong with semicolon at the end. You can also use the hex code in CSS andJavaScript like \00C1 and \u00C1 respectively.
Tags: Alt + XAlt CodeKeyboardLanguageLetters