Help! Unable to Purchase - Nintendo Switch Forum (2025)

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  • 1
  • Pinkymama

I've been trying to purchase the Fortnite Crew pack and V Bucks from the Nintendo Shop. However, Nintendo are not accepting any cards. I've tried all types and had other people try with theirs. It keeps coming up with the following error code 2813-2470.

It's very frustrating and my son is becoming so upset. Please can anyone help?


  • 2
  • WoomyNNYes

Fear not, @Pinkymama

You can plug error codes into the search bar on Nintendo's support page - super handy. Here's the result for your code. This says, log into your nintendo account on nintendo's webiste, delete your card info, and re-enter it. Check out the details.

Back in spring, there was a security upgrade that created your issue with eshop, which is fixable, outlined in that link above.

IF you want very reliable help, Nintendo support is actually VERY good (seattle WA), if you want to call them, or use the chat messenger. Helping parents is what they do. Don't be afraid to give them your email, if they ask, its only used log the issues you called about, in case you ever call back, a rep can see exactly what you covered already

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

  • 3
  • Reprise

I have a relevant, but slightly different query.

My card has worked fine via Nintendo forever (even bought Doom Eternal just last week no issue), but today when I tried entering my card details to renew my membership I got a 3D authentication message that asked me to verify my card. I thought that was a bit strange, as I have never had that before with Nintendo, but regardless, it's usually no issue when that does occur with online sales, I just type in the one-time passcode and verify my purchase. The issue is I tried 3 times and each time it said the verification failed.

So I called the bank who investigated it, confirmed there isn't an issue with my account or a problem their end, but they found that it is the merchant (Nintendo) blocking the purchase...

Any ideas why that may be? (Yes, all my account info is correct and up to date) Guess if it continues I might have to contact Nintendo or just try the Paypal route.

The bank did advise I try again in about half an hour and they have made should nothing should be blocked their end, so I'll try that too.

I'm in the UK by the way.

Edit: It's still not working. I had to faff about linking Paypal and that seemed to do the trick, but I don't understand why I'm getting a 3D authentication error message with my bank card. I don't even want my Paypal linked, so I'll probably unlink it now and then find I have to link it every time I want to make a purchase on the eShop...

[Edited by Reprise]


  • 4
  • SwitchForce

@Reprise Your going to have to deal with Nintendo UK Support directly if they mentioned it was Nintendo and there is nothing more anyone else on NL can help with this.


  • 5
  • WoomyNNYes

@Reprise I thought I recalled some scenarios weren't solved by updating card info, and the solution depended on which country you're in, for the UK & EU region, or depended on your credit company, I think? Which required contacting nintendo, possibly because they don't want to broadcast details for security reasons.

Paypal is workaround for the situation (as you've figured out). I've been using paypal, myself since 2018 with no problems.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

  • 6
  • Reprise

@WoomyNNYes Not sure my problem relates to the security changes, as, like I mentioned, I have been using my card on the eShop with no issue right up until today. I purchased Doom Eternal via eShop just last week without any problems. What I do is I don't save my card details and I always choose to re-enter them each time. Usually it works fine.

Anyways, guess I'm sticking with Paypal unless I can be bothered to contact Nintendo. I bet my left testical if I did they would just blame my bank anyways.


  • 7
  • Reprise

Ehhh this is my error code. What the hell? That doesn't even make sense.

"This error code indicates that your Nintendo Account has not accessed Nintendo eShop from a Nintendo Switch console."

"What to Do:
Link your Nintendo Account to the Nintendo Switch console you wish to obtain the content on and then access Nintendo eShop at least one time. Once this process is complete, you will be able to purchase games directly from the Nintendo website or continue redeeming your code or offer."


  • 8
  • WoomyNNYes

@Reprise On the switch console, link existing nintendo account directions (done on switch)(link pasted below).

Nintendo security update last spring was widespread, and created a disruption for everyone. My memory is too fuzzy on what we had to do. They defaulted everyone to 2-step verification (which can be turned off), and I made a new password, too. Hopefully this is your last hurdle

How to Link a Nintendo Account to Nintendo Switch

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

  • 9
  • Reprise

@WoomyNNYes My account is already linked though. That's why I'm confused.

I do remember the security issues earlier this year and have 2 factor set up.


  • 10
  • Snatcher

Did you try to call nintendo?

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!

  • 11
  • WoomyNNYes

@Reprise Maybe you have to un-link it, and re-link it? I've never done that, and don't know if there are any worries with that. Forgive me if you've done that. Yeah, Nintendo should be your best option for troubleshooting help.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

  • 12
  • Reprise

Yeah, I'm not sure about unlinking and relinking to be fair (not even sure if you can).

If Nintendo's lines are still open (I thought they were closed due to Covid and staff working from home) then I'll give them a ring this week. Otherwise I'll throw them an email.


  • 13
  • WoomyNNYes

@Reprise You have to unlink your Nintendo account if you sell or trade in your console. So, yes, you can unlink your nintendo account.

Nintendo UK customer support was running summer & fall. When I look at their contact page now, the phone number, chat messenger, and email section is missing. If it is region locked, maybe that's why I can't see it from the US, here. So, take a look and see what the Nintendo UK support "contact us" page looks like. ... or like you said, covid could have shut it down again. However, in the US, support here is still running: phone & chat messenger.... even text. (I'm assuming nintendo reps are doing customer support from home.)

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker

  • 14
  • Reprise

Update: Didn't get around to contacting Nintendo (no telephone number, no chat, just a contact form), but I've tried each day and for whatever bizarre reason as of this evening it's now working!

Weird, huh?


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Help! Unable to Purchase - Nintendo Switch Forum (2025)


Help! Unable to Purchase - Nintendo Switch Forum? ›

"What to Do: Link your Nintendo Account to the Nintendo Switch console you wish to obtain the content on and then access Nintendo eShop at least one time. Once this process is complete, you will be able to purchase games directly from the Nintendo website or continue redeeming your code or offer."

Why is my Nintendo Switch not letting me buy games? ›

Possible Solutions: Verify that there are enough funds available on the card. If there aren't enough funds for the purchase that you're trying to make, the transaction will be declined.

Why does my switch say I'm not eligible to purchase or view information about this software? ›

This means that your date of birth indicates that you are under age 16. Per the Nintendo Account Agreement, only users aged 16 or older can create a Nintendo Account. Children aged 15 and under can have their own Nintendo Account if they are first added to a parent/ guardian's Nintendo Account.

Why does Nintendo keep declining my card? ›

This will happen if your credit card or PayPal purchase was declined – usually due to an incorrect billing address, unregistered gift card, or insufficient funds on the account.

Why does my credit card not work on Nintendo Switch? ›

The Nintendo Switch eShop will always match the country setting for your Nintendo Account. If you are receiving this message when your credit card and Nintendo Switch eShop countries do not match, it means that your credit card can't be used in the eShop for a different country.

Why can't I buy in game purchases? ›

If you are still unable to make in-app purchases, please ensure you are logged into your correct Google account and have an up-to-date payment option registered with your account.

Why is Nintendo Switch eShop not working? ›

Power off your Nintendo Switch console, power it back on, and re-try connecting to the internet. Try connecting to the internet using a different wireless network. Make sure that you have installed the latest system update. Verify whether other devices can access the internet while on the same network.

Why is my card declining even though I have funds? ›

There are several reasons why a debit card may be declined even if you have money in your account. Common reasons include travel and reaching your daily purchase limit. Stay on top of your cards and consider using budgeting apps to help avoid debit card denial.

Why won't my switch accept my debit card? ›

Ensure your system has the latest system menu version installed. If the purchase cannot be made on Nintendo Switch eShop, try the following: Purchase the game or content through the My Nintendo Store. Wait a while and try again later, or try adding funds using a different payment method.

How do you fix a card that keeps declining? ›

Debit card declined? Five steps to fixing it
  1. Check for insufficient funds. Always check to see if you have sufficient funds in your account first, as this is one of the most common reasons for card decline.
  2. Verify your card details. ...
  3. Contact your bank. ...
  4. Check for suspicious activity. ...
  5. Try an alternative payment method.
Mar 1, 2024

Why is my credit card not letting me buy anything? ›

Your credit card could get declined for a variety of reasons, including an expired card, exceeding your credit limit or due to fraud prevention measures.

What do I do if my Nintendo eShop card doesn't work? ›

What to do
  1. Verify that you are entering the number correctly. Try similar numbers when entering the code. (A 5 might look like a G or an S.)
  2. Make sure the console is set to the correct region.

What credit cards does Nintendo accept? ›

If you don't have enough funds, you can use a Nintendo eShop Card, a Paypal account, or a valid VISA or MasterCard to add more. For released games - the game will begin downloading to your system as soon as you place your order.

How to fix Nintendo Switch error code 2813-2470? ›

What to do
  1. Delete any saved credit card information on your Nintendo Account. ...
  2. Make sure that your Nintendo Account country setting matches the country your credit card is issued in. ...
  3. Try to buy the item again and make sure you enter all your card information correctly, including name, billing address, and security code.

What to do if a Nintendo eShop card doesn't work? ›

What to do
  1. Verify that you are entering the number correctly. Try similar numbers when entering the code. (A 5 might look like a G or an S.)
  2. Make sure the console is set to the correct region.

How do I allow purchases on Nintendo Switch? ›

Complete These Steps:
  1. Sign in to your existing parent/guardian Nintendo Account to access your Nintendo Account settings.
  2. Select “Family Group”.
  3. A list of all supervised accounts in the family group will appear on the screen. ...
  4. Select each setting that you want to adjust: ...
  5. Select “Save changes” to confirm the change.

Why is my Nintendo not letting me play games? ›

Update your Nintendo Switch console to the latest version. Change the primary console for that Nintendo Account to the console that you're using. If you are already using the primary console for that Nintendo Account, de-register the console, then make it the primary console again.


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