Using the “n with accent alt code”, you can type ‘n’ with accent marks over it (ñ, Ñ, ń, Ṅ, Ň, and more) using the Windows keyboard and some other methods.
This code is designed for typing symbols that do not have a dedicated key on the keyboard.
You can do this by pressing and holding the Alt key while typing the symbol’s alt code using the numeric keypad.
Learn more about the Windows Alt Codes
The table below shows all the alt codes for each of the ‘n’ letters with the accent marks – In lowercase and uppercase n with accent (small and capital n with accents).
Note that only the n with tilde accent can be typed anywhere on Windows. The rest of the accented n characters can only be typed in Microsoft Word.
N With Accent Description | N With Accents | N with Accent Alt Code |
Lowercase n with tilde accent | ñ | ALT 164 |
Uppercase N with a tilde accent | Ñ | ALT 165 |
Lowercase n with acute accent | ń | ALT 324 |
Uppercase N with an acute accent | Ń | ALT 323 |
Lowercase n with grave accent | ǹ | ALT 505 |
Uppercase N with grave accent | Ǹ | ALT 504 |
Lowercase n with dot above accent | ṅ | ALT 7749 |
Uppercase N with dot above accent | Ṅ | ALT 7748 |
Lowercase n with caron accent | ň | ALT 328 |
Uppercase N with caron | Ň | ALT 327 |
Lowercase n with cedilla accent | ņ | ALT 326 |
Uppercase N with cedilla accent | Ņ | ALT 325 |
Lowercase n with a left hook accent | ɲ | ALT 626 |
Uppercase N with a left hook accent | Ɲ | ALT 413 |
Uppercase N with a dot below accent | Ṇ | ALT 7750 |
Lowercase n with circumflex below accent | ṋ | ALT 7755 |
Uppercase N with circumflex below accent | Ṋ | ALT 7754 |
Lowercase n with a line below accent | ṉ | ALT 7753 |
Uppercase N with a line below accent | Ṉ | ALT 7752 |
Obey the instructions below to type the ‘n’ letter with an accent markover it on the keyboard using the alt codes in the above table. Let’s illustrate by using the n with tilde accent alt code (165 or 164).
- Step 1: Place your insertion pointer where you need to type the symbol.
- Step 2: Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
- Step 3: Whilst pressing down the Alt key and using the numeric keypad, type the ‘n’ with a tilde accent alt code (165 for uppercase Ñ and 164 for lowercase ñ with accent, tilde). You can refer to the above table for all the various n with accent alt codes.
- Step 4: Release the Alt key after typing the Alt code.
With the above steps, you should be able to type the letter n with accents such as ñ on the keyboard.
Note that you must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code.
You must also turn on your NumLock key to be able to use the numeric keypad.
If you are using a laptop with a small keyboard that does not have a separate numeric keypad, you can press the Fn+NmLk keys simultaneously to turn on the hidden numeric keypad.
Also, note that some of these alt codes will work only in Microsoft Word. So if you’re typing with the above alt codes and not getting any results, quickly fire-up your MS Word and try it there.
This is how you may use the Alt Code method to type the various ‘n’ letters with the accent mark using the keyboard.
Shortcut to type N with accents (ñ in keyboard) in Word
Know that you can use any of the above methods to insert or type N with accents in Microsoft Word. These MS Word shortcuts are just an alternative, and it is specially made to type these characters in Microsoft Word only.
To use the shortcuts in the table below, simply type the Unicode of the symbol as shown below, then press Alt + X.
The table below shows all the shortcuts that you can use in Microsoft Word only.
N With Accent Description | N With Accents | MS Word Shortcut |
Lowercase n with tilde accent | Ñ | 00F1, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with a tilde accent | Ñ | 00D1, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with acute accent | ń | 0144, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with an acute accent | Ń | 0143, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with grave accent | ǹ | 01F9, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with grave accent | Ǹ | 01F8, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with dot above accent | ṅ | 1E45, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with dot above accent | Ṅ | 1E44, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with caron accent | ň | 0148, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with caron | Ň | 0147, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with cedilla accent | ņ | 0146, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with cedilla accent | Ņ | 0145, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with a left hook accent | ɲ | 0272, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with a left hook accent | Ɲ | 019D, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with a dot below accent | Ṇ | 1E46, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with circumflex below accent | ṋ | 1E4B, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with circumflex below accent | Ṋ | 1E4A, Alt + X |
Lowercase n with a line below accent | ṉ | 1E49, Alt + X |
Uppercase N with a line below accent | Ṉ | 1E48, Alt + X |
Insert n with accent marks in MS Office Symbol Library
If using the keyboard isn’t your thing, there’s also a mouse-based method for getting N with Accent marks in Office like Microsoft Word.
To explain the steps, we’ll use screenshots from Microsoft Word. You can, however, use the same method in Excel and PowerPoint.
Without further ado, here are the steps to take:
- Launch MS Word or Excel or PowerPoint.
- Place your cursor at the desired place where you want to insert the n with accents.
- Navigate to theInserttab.

- Click theSymbolsbutton in theSymbolsgroup, thenselect More Symbolsfrom the drop-down menu.

TheSymbolwindow will appear. It contains a gazillion symbols which include the n with accent marks.
- Locate the n with the accent you want.
To easily locate these Accented letters, use theSubsetdropdown list to display those specific types of symbols. You can find some of theN with accentletters in theLatin-1 Supplementgroup.
- To insert any of these symbols into your document, simply double-click on it. Alternatively, click theInsertbutton.
- Close the Dialog.
If you follow the above steps carefully, you can insert these accented n symbols or any other symbol or character not available on the keyboard.
How to Type ñ with Accent Marks in Google Docs
Adding the letter n with accent marks in Google Docs is quite straightforward and can be done using various methods, depending on your device and preferences.
However, the Google Docs Built-in Special Characters Menu is the easiest method. Below are the steps on how to do so:
- Open Google Docs: If you’re not already in Google Docs, open your web browser and navigate to, then create a new document or open an existing one.
- Insert Special Characters:
- Click on the “Insert” menu at the top of the screen.
- Hover over “Special characters” in the dropdown menu and click it.
- Choose a Character:
- A special characters dialogue box will appear on the right side of your document.
- In the search bar, type “n with” to display all n with accent marks.
- Browse through the available n with accents and click on the accent or special character you want to insert.

The character n with the accent mark will be inserted into your document at the cursor’s position.
Copy and Paste n with accent Letters
This is by far the simplest way to obtain any symbol, including the n with accents.
You simply need to copy the letters somewhere, such as a web page and then press Ctrl + V after switching to the document where you want to paste it.
If you want to copy these letters, you can do so as they are listed below.
Copy and Paste N With Accents |
Ñ |
Ñ |
ń |
Ń |
ǹ |
Ǹ |
ṅ |
Ṅ |
ň |
Ň |
ņ |
Ņ |
ɲ |
Ɲ |
Ṇ |
ṋ |
Ṋ |
ṉ |
Ṉ |
If you have a Windows PC, the steps below will show you how to copy these symbols from the Character Map.
- Search and Launch the Character Map app.
- Near the button, select the Advance View checkbox to expand more Character map options.

- In the Advanced view, you will see a search box. Search for the keyword “n with”. You should see all the letters with an accent including the letter n.

- Simply double click on it and hit on the Copy button after it is selected in the Characters to copy text box.
Obtaining these n with accent marks and the symbols that do not have keys on the keyboard can be difficult.
However, with the assistance of the techniques we just discussed, it should no longer be a difficult task.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this guide.